Thursday, September 10, 2009

Speeder Wears Monkey Mask!

(Picture via ABC 15)

Hi Everybody!

There is a masked man in Phoenix (I KNOW!), Arizona who is pretending to be a monkey by wearing a mask, while he is driving. He is breaking the law there by going over the speed limit. But he wears a monkey mask so he can try to pin his crimes on an innocent monkey.

Nice try Mister, but that mask didn't fool me!

Cameras in Phoenix take pictures of the cars and drivers that violate the law. So he has been trying to disguise himself as a monkey so that he could not be identified. The man has done this over 3 dozen times collecting about 37 tickets and totaling over $6,700.00 in fines.

Sometimes he disguises himself as a giraffe, gazelle -not always a monkey (though its the most common disguise that he uses).

Some people agree with his tactics (of wearing a mask) because they are against the cameras. Others think that he is driving very unsafely.

I am just upset that he is trying to frame an innocent monkey! The police suspect Dave VonTesmar as the culprit, because they have spotted him putting on masks at homes - but he denies the allegation (and talks about it on his Facebook).

For more on this Story you can go here:

And here:


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