Tuesday, May 27, 2008


HI EVERYBODY! - GREAT NEWS - Well good news.

I tried to rehabilitate Mr. Shark by watching some nice videos, and drawing some nice pictures - At first it didn't look like he was going to turn from his evil ways but at the end of one of our sessions he finally seemed to get the point!

Take that FRRRRED!!!

Thanks for tuning in - MoJo

Watch the Video for more :

Friday, May 23, 2008


The Call is from Adventure! Will you accept the Charges?!?

Okay....... so I went to the movies at midnight, like Indy told me, but he wasn't there. But his new movie was playing! I guess he wanted me to be one of the first monkeys to see it - and I sure did.

After getting some Skittles I prepared to see my first movie on the big screen. It was crowded, I didn't think this many people would be at a show so late - but I didn't see any other monkeys.

Everybody cheered when the movie began and ended... and also during some parts (but I won't say because I don't want to ruin it - Scroll down for some spoilers).

Scrolling scrolling scrolling...


Keep that mouse a scrolling...




Okay.... So you want to know more about the movie???

Okay - IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER! Oh MY.... I don't' know what else to say - it was GREAT! You should see it! There was even a part in it where a bunch of Monkeys helped out! The monkeys were great.. I wonder if Indy put them in the movie for me?? I also got some great ideas on how I could get Mr. Shark to join team MoJo! He was excited when I told him about the movies and the big screen.. and tasting the rainbow (skittles).


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Secret Messages...

(Picture of the secret message)

Tonight I received some information that there might be a secret message in my journal. So I used my detective skills to search and to my amazement there was! And it was from INDY!

Here is what the secret message said (in case you can't read it from the picture):


Meet me at the Movies



- Indy

I am so excited! Number one because its a message from Indiana Jones - My Hero , and two I have never been to the movies. At midnight? I wonder what he wants, I wonder what I should bring... I wonder if I am going to go on an adventure with him? Or maybe he has some ideas about my battle with FRRRRED! I will let you know!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yummy yummy yummy I got POODING in my tummy!

HI EVERYBODY! Last night I had something called "pooding" for the first time (Spell Checker wants me to change it, but I know that's how it's spelled) and it was really yummy!! Special K mixed it up in a big bowl last night and put it in the fridgerator to cool and tonight we got to eat it. IT IS MY NEW FAVORITE FOOD! We tried to use the pooding to get the shark to be my friend but he didn't want any of it. TOO BAD for him because the Google Monster ate all the rest. I hate the Google Monster -- I'm gunna GET HIM! Little D says next she is going to make me banana pooding and I can't wait :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Even the strong have their moments of fatigue.

HI EVERYBODY!!! Sorry I haven’t written in a while. I’m been busy… WITH THE SHARK!!! I’ve been hard at work trying to get him to be a good guy and join Team MoJo, but so far he hasn’t been cooperating. I’ve used all the top negotiating tactics to get him to spill the beans about Fred and the rest of his evil plan, but so far, nothing. WATCH THE VIDEO AND SEE.

(Watch me on YouTube!!) -- http://youtube.com/watch?v=R60wSn6

Luckily, I have lots of donuts and am not going to give up hope until I have REHABILITATED THIS SHARK!!!

Stay tuned!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

"I will return the seeing-eye dog."

I asked Jeeves about Whacking Day... Since I was told I missed it.

"Founded by Jebediah Springfield in 1775, every May 10th, the citizens of Springfield drive the snakes into the town square, then club them to death."

Well I don't know any snakes - but I'm sure there are a bunch of them at Fred's house. So you can go over there, or you can always whack Fred on the head for me- He's sort of like a snake (but not a Goddess) - Just not too hard... because he's MINNNNE!

I'm going to try to find some snakes... but at the very least I will play some wiffle ball!


P.S - Rehabilitation for Mr. Shark is going to start soon - I will keep you posted.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Out of the Shadows

I don't have much to say today - you see I finally made my move against Fred today. I didn't want to - but he forced me to. Below is the footage so you can see for yourself. I'm sorry for the quality. If you have a weak stomach or have no taste for battles - please do not play.

Thank you

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hold that Line!

(troops surrounding FRRRRED's Evil lab)

I can't talk for long - but my secret troops led by Special K have begun to outline the border of Fred's evil lab, and the current location of his evil device - the mechanical shark.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Message from the Shadows

I want to apologize to everyone for my lack of contact. The past couple of days have been keeping me busy with planning.

Things did not go so well for me and my team. Its seems that I cannot trust everyone. Friends I thought I had - have betrayed me or ignored me. I may have to do this mission - alone.

Secret Agent "Christobell" tried to light me on fire. I'm not sure if he is working for Fred or by himself - just another person against me.

As for elBrent.. He did manage to damage Fred's finances, but his toxic gases were mistimed, and his team membership and loyalty is questionable.

I haven't heard from the private eye Big Dog, Indiana Jones or Supermonkey.

And although it seemed as if a new enemy known only as the "Google Monster" had taken agent "Liquor Store" - the creature went away after my heroics and allowed Liquor Store to provide me with some startling information...

... That FRRRRED is also known as "The Copier!" An evil supervillian who has the ability to make evil copies of living things to do whatever he says.

This news is startling. But as my team falls apart - I know there are few that I can rely on and call my friends. So I will go into the shadows and train - so that I can defeat Fred. Although I fear that after I defeat Fred, more evil in the world exists.

But as always I am here to Help! I am a Helper Monkey after all!

Be Safe!

- MoJo - aka The Phoenix

Saturday, May 3, 2008


(The TOP SECRET Plans for some sort of Super PIG!!)
Many thanks again to secret agent Peanut for this information!

Once again through my contacts with some super secret spies I have found another one of Fred's evil plans. At first I was startled but then I soon realized this is just an eraser with push pins, and some drawings on it.

So it seems the mechanical Shark (with metal teeth) is ready and a part of Fred's next plan to destroy me, but this design is on the drawing table. It looks like some sort of mechanical pig (I assume with metal teeth) and it has flame throwing hair. If you see any other warning signs from this picture let me know.

Me and my team will be hard at work during the next couple of days. I may have to recruit some others, including a private eye known only as "Big Dog". We have to get to Fred before he build this evil device and rubs me OUT!!

- The Phoenix

Friday, May 2, 2008

It's Coming Together

(This is my Thinking Hat when I need to think like Indy!)

For those of you on MoJo's team - Thank You! The information from secret spies has been great! We will make our strike against Fred soon. But we can always use more Help! If anyone knows how to contact Indiana Jones or Super Monkey - please contact them to let them know about our cause.

I haven't seen Indiana Jones since my trip to California - he may still be there!

As for Super Monkey - I'm not sure where he is.. Though I am sure he saving the world.

So Friends - post here so we can figure out our plaaaaan!

Thanks - MoJo

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fred's First Move!

(The TOP SECRET picture of Fred's newest Evil Device)
Many thanks to Secret Agent Special K - aka... Peanut- for this information

Through my contacts with some super secret spies I have found Fred's newest plan to defeat me. The above picture is some kind of mechanical shark with metal teeth. I don't know if its ready to be used yet or how powerful it is. I will need all my friends to help me think of counter measures to defeat this creature and his evil creator - FRRRRED!!!!

Luckily another secret spy known only as "elbrent" is coming to see me this weekend. Together we will take down Fred and his mechanical shark (with metal teeth).

- The Phoenix (that's my secret spy name!)