Friday, May 23, 2008


The Call is from Adventure! Will you accept the Charges?!?

Okay....... so I went to the movies at midnight, like Indy told me, but he wasn't there. But his new movie was playing! I guess he wanted me to be one of the first monkeys to see it - and I sure did.

After getting some Skittles I prepared to see my first movie on the big screen. It was crowded, I didn't think this many people would be at a show so late - but I didn't see any other monkeys.

Everybody cheered when the movie began and ended... and also during some parts (but I won't say because I don't want to ruin it - Scroll down for some spoilers).

Scrolling scrolling scrolling...


Keep that mouse a scrolling...




Okay.... So you want to know more about the movie???

Okay - IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER! Oh MY.... I don't' know what else to say - it was GREAT! You should see it! There was even a part in it where a bunch of Monkeys helped out! The monkeys were great.. I wonder if Indy put them in the movie for me?? I also got some great ideas on how I could get Mr. Shark to join team MoJo! He was excited when I told him about the movies and the big screen.. and tasting the rainbow (skittles).



Anonymous said...

it's good to get out and get your mind off your worries.

MoJo said...


At first I was worried about leaving the shark alone - his rehabilitation is going well, but I wasn't sure if he would try to escape..

New update coming soon!