Sunday, September 13, 2009

Help the Orangutans!

My entry on Baby Menari brought some attention from the Orangutans. They say that Baby Menari is an ambassador for her orangutan cousins in the wild!

Their message: "Orangutans are critically endangered because of rapid deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations.

If nothing is done to protect these majestic creatures, they could be extinct in just a few years.

Visit the Orangutan Outreach website to learn how YOU can make a difference! - Reach out and save the orangutans!"

Thanks so much redapes for bringing this to my attention! I encourage everyone to do all you can (especially if you have some spare monies) to help out the Orangutans! (we non-human primates have to stick together).

Thank you


redapes said...

Thanks for spreading the word!

Rich {:(|}

MoJo said...


Thanks for letting me know, and keep in touch.