Sunday, November 29, 2009

FAIL- Rope Swing

Humans are so funny sometimes- Check out this one trying to master the Rope Swing - He could learn a couple of things from us Monkeys!

Monday, November 23, 2009

NASA to Bomb Monkeys with Gamma Radiation!

I can't believe what I am reading - NASA is going to subject monkeys to radiation! This is unbelievable. NASA plans on doing this to a group of monkeys because they want to study what might happen to humans on long-term space missions - such as trips to Mars.

In the 1950's the space program asked some brave monkeys (and other non-human primates) to participate in the space program because the humans were just to scared.

But now they want to aim high-energy gamma-ray radiation at monkeys. I will not support this unless these monkeys are complete volunteers. Because potentially harming these monkeys (especially against their will) is not right!

*Another potential (even if the monkeys volunteer) - is that we should monitor them because this sounds like the same type of experiments that turned Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulk!

Could you imagine and Incredible Hulk like Monkey!?! It would be unstoppable (perhaps I should volunteer.. hmmm)

- MoJo

Sunday, November 22, 2009

FAIL- I do not Like the Cone of Shame

If you have seen the movie UP! you probably remember the Cone of Shame! Well these guys definitely know about the cone of shame!

epic fail pictures

see more Epic Fails

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Animal Warriors- Reservoir Turtles

Hey Guys check out this trailer for this new movie - Reservoir Turtles! It looks pretty good and I think these guys are definitely Animal Warriors!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hang out with this Gorilla

(Picture Via Geekologie )

This guy just loves Hanging Around - get it? This is a piece of Art - a Gorilla made completely of coat hangers by Scottish artist David Mach.

Now if I could just find a place to hang my coat -what?!- David took all the hangers??

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Animal News - the Bear who loves the iPhone

Hi Everybody - it's me - MoJo!

I know its been a while - but I've been busy, doing what a Helper Monkey does best - Help People!

Anyways, this is a story about a hiker who encountered a Bear who loved iPhones! Apparently if you are attacked by a bear (at least this one) in Vermont, and you are not sure what to do. There's an app for that or this case, the whole phone!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Animal Warriors! - Armor

Sometimes its not enough to be an Animal Warrior - sometimes you need some Armor. The Oobject gallery illustrates, suits of armor have been made for the likes of cats, mice and squirrels.

For more pictures go their website: Click Here!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Primetime Primates Evacuated

(I'm ready for my close up)

A week ago 2 movie star monkeys were evacuated from the Liberty Hotel in Boston, MA due to a small boiler a leak (that was fixed later in the day). All guests were evacuated from the hotel including 2 movie star monkeys.

The monkeys are starring in a movie called "The Zookeeper" that should be coming out sometime in 2010, but we don't know who they are! Sometimes the casting of these movies are so secret, but for those of you in Boston they are filing the movie there, so you can come by - and let me know if any of you guys hear or see anything about these monkey stars - I would love to interview them.

Liberty spokesman Jim Treadway said the hotel has hosted the movie's non-animal stars as well, but none were there Wednesday. He declined to drop names (including the names of the monkeys!).

There is not much information on the movie since its not coming out for another year or so - but for more information you can click here:

And for more information on this story go here:

The Liberty Hotel used to be a Jail in Boston, and it was converted to a Hotel! Pretty neat - if you would like to stay there here is the website:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

'Gene cure' for color blindness

US Scientists at the University of Washington have found a cure for color blindness in Squirrel Monkeys!

They used gene therapy where they introduced therapeutic genes into the light-sensing cells at the back of eyes in adult Squirrel Monkeys. The monkeys were treated over two years and their restored vision has remained the same.

The scientists hope they will be able to cure humans as well in a similar fashion, but they need more tests first!

Good Job guys!

Now that you can see some colors, try the famous Magic Eye Books - though I never see the sailboat : (

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Help the Orangutans!

My entry on Baby Menari brought some attention from the Orangutans. They say that Baby Menari is an ambassador for her orangutan cousins in the wild!

Their message: "Orangutans are critically endangered because of rapid deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations.

If nothing is done to protect these majestic creatures, they could be extinct in just a few years.

Visit the Orangutan Outreach website to learn how YOU can make a difference! - Reach out and save the orangutans!"

Thanks so much redapes for bringing this to my attention! I encourage everyone to do all you can (especially if you have some spare monies) to help out the Orangutans! (we non-human primates have to stick together).

Thank you

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fall into the GAP

No not that GAP - but the Great Ape Protection project!

GAP's purpose is to guarantee the basic rights to life, freedom and non-torture of the non-human great apes – Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangutans and Bonobos, the closest relatives in the animal kingdom to humans.

We have covered lots of stories here at Piece of MoJo in which non-human primates have been abused by humans, and its good to see an organization such as GAP is out there fighting for the rights of non-human primates, and at the same time protecting them.

Rights to live along with freedom is very important to me - and my fellow monkeys; just as I'm sure its important to you! Some stories have come out in the past year that would hurt non-human primates rights- so you can see why an organization like this is so important.

If you would like more information on GAP - check out their website:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Most Emailed Photo - Menari the Orangutan

(Picture from AP via Yahoo!)

Hi Everybody- Happy Friday!

This picture of a female Orangutan named Menari was the "Most Emailed Photo" on Yahoo! today. She was born on July 10th at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. The zoo announced her birth Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009 (I'm not sure why they kept it a secret) and they also said that starting Sept. 26, she will be out daily from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to meet and greet everyone— weather permitting.

Welcome Menari!

For more on the Audubon Zoo Click Here

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Speeder Wears Monkey Mask!

(Picture via ABC 15)

Hi Everybody!

There is a masked man in Phoenix (I KNOW!), Arizona who is pretending to be a monkey by wearing a mask, while he is driving. He is breaking the law there by going over the speed limit. But he wears a monkey mask so he can try to pin his crimes on an innocent monkey.

Nice try Mister, but that mask didn't fool me!

Cameras in Phoenix take pictures of the cars and drivers that violate the law. So he has been trying to disguise himself as a monkey so that he could not be identified. The man has done this over 3 dozen times collecting about 37 tickets and totaling over $6,700.00 in fines.

Sometimes he disguises himself as a giraffe, gazelle -not always a monkey (though its the most common disguise that he uses).

Some people agree with his tactics (of wearing a mask) because they are against the cameras. Others think that he is driving very unsafely.

I am just upset that he is trying to frame an innocent monkey! The police suspect Dave VonTesmar as the culprit, because they have spotted him putting on masks at homes - but he denies the allegation (and talks about it on his Facebook).

For more on this Story you can go here:

And here:


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yahoo Answers: What's easier, training a guy to act like a gentleman or training a monkey?

Click on the Image above to make it bigger.

I just think this is a silly question in my monkey opinion - but if you guys know the answer you can answer it by going here:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thumbs UP! - ZooTV

(Live video streams from the Great Plains Zoo to Sanford Children's Hospital (Squirrel Monkeys!). Fun animal facts scroll across the screen. - Picture via USA TODAY )

Hi Everybody, its me - MoJo

I wanted to give a big Thumbs UP! to the Great Plains Zoo in South Dakota! Why? Because the Great Plains Zoo started ZooTV! ZooTV was started in March, using 14 weatherproof cameras to video tape live animals at the zoo and then beam the live feed to sick children at hospitals - whether its during hospital stays (giving them something to do and break up their stay/day) or to comfort them while going through medical procedures.

"ZooTV is one of a growing number of partnerships between hospitals and zoos to help comfort children who are, in many cases, waging life-and-death battles against cancer and other serious illnesses.

Video of tigers, monkeys, giraffes and some underwater creatures are being beamed into patient rooms in cities including Sioux Falls, Palo Alto, Calif., and Rochester, Minn."

This has inspired other Zoo's like the Houston Zoo in Houston, Texas who hopes to share their animals by adding cameras in their future expansion plans. At the same time hospitals are lining up to add ZooTV to their buildings as well.

There hasn't been any studies done yet - but it might be true that video of monkeys is especially cheerful to the children and may actually decrease their recovery time; we will have to wait and see. I mean look at the picture above - they chose to show the feed of some Squirrel Monkeys - they know a monkey a day keeps the doctor away.

For more on this Story:

And the Great Plains Zoo:

Keep Smiling

- MoJo

Saturday, September 5, 2009

MoJo Voyage Post- Universal Studios

Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to let you all know about the new posting on my Travel Blog: MoJo Voyage!

This one is about my trip to Universal Studios!

Check it Out:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Follow-Up: MoJo Phoenix in Space

Well it turns out that I was right!

NASA decided not to name the International Space Station after him. But they didn't name the toilet after him either.

They named a treadmill after him. I guess the people at NASA just couldn't do it.

"Colbert—or C.O.L.B.E.R.T.—the Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill. That's the new name for this piece of hardware, known during its development as T2, the second version of the ISS treadmill"

The space shuttle carrying the treadmill launched last week and it was installed shortly after.

For more go to the following: Mission Complete! and C.O.L.B.E.R.T

I'm still waiting to see what they name after me!


Monday, August 31, 2009

Just A Little Reminder for Mondays that..

...Some People's Sole Daily Mission Is Simply To TICK YOU OFF!


So try not to bite!!!!

(P.S. - That's a chimp by the way so don't look at me like that)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Watch out Ladies - here comes Yeboah!

(Mjukuu (age 10) shows off a picture of Yeboah - via Daily Mail)

Hi Everybody! It's me - MoJo

There are three lonely female gorillas in a zoo in London that will soon be joined by a French Male Gorilla named Yeboah. Yeboah is a 12-year-old gorilla leaving his current home in at La Boissiere Du Dore Zoo in northwest France and headed to the British Capital by the end of the year as he packs his things.

The three female gorillas (Zaire (34), Effie (16), and Mjukuu (10))were given posters of Yeboah to prepare them for their new friend and they all went bonkers. One female gorilla shrieked in delight, while another wedged the poster in a tree to stare at it. A third, clearly overcome by emotion, held the photo close to her chest -- then ate it. This will be their first male visitor since last December.

For More on this story go to the London Zoo, the Daily Mail, and CNN

I wonder if they would like a poster of Me?


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Helper Monkeys!

This is a topic that has been near and dear to my heart for a long time. Everyone knows that I am a helper monkey - but there is an organization called Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers for the Disabled

Helping Hands is a national non-profit organization that offers independence and hope to individuals with severe disabilities by training helper monkeys and placing them with such individuals. For over 30 years this organization has been doing great work by both giving jobs to monkeys and helping out humans who really need the help!

Right now they concentrate on training and placing monkeys, but in the next coming years they hope to extend their programs to developing permanent homes for retired monkeys - providing them the best care and medical support. This is a full program for working monkeys - from training, to placement, and finally to retirement.

As a helper monkey I know how important it is to help people, and to get proper training for working with humans. Recently I have been observing them with a family that doesn't need my help as much as others, but they have enabled me to learn more about humans, and how to spread my message to the rest of the world!

This is a cause very near and dear to my heart - so if you have some spare monies around, please do all that you can!

For ways to support the organization and helper monkeys by multiple means (donations, time, their store, etc.) :

They are even having a special event celebrating their 30th Anniversary - by buying a ticket to the event you can support them as well -
Recently there have been many stories about Helping Hands:

One about the first veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan wars to receive a monkey from Helping Hands (but the group hopes he will not be the last)

A news story about Helping Hands (from Germany):

And another news story from a FOX61 Connecticut. This one is excellent since they want to promote awareness of Helper Monkeys to individuals in Connecticut that may need it and they also try to let everyone know the difference between monkeys and chimps -to help alleviate any fears since the Travis incident that happened in Connecticut:

So any help that you could provide to my fellow Helper Monkeys would be appreciated!



Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome Lara and Lucy!

Hello Lara and Lucy!

Lara and Lucy (pictured above) are two emperor tamarin monkey twin who were born in early July. The sad news is that their mother died from cancer on July 30th just three weeks after they were born. This made Lara and Lucy orphans - so sad. But the Denver Zoo stepped in and decided they would take them in and take care of them.

I'm sorry Lara and Lucy that your mother died. But there are monkeys out there (like me) that will look after you.

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you! (Denver Zoo - you can let me know too)


(Looking Good!)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stress - So thats Why I have a belly!

I have a little bit of a belly. Most of you already know this from seeing pictures of me.

But I am always on the look out for ways to reduce it. I try dieting and working out - along with my already active lifestyle! But it doesn't go away. Some days are better than others, but wish I could be more fit. (Darn you Chocolate Bananas! why do you tempt me so). Anyway a new study came out that links stress to fat- specifically fat around the stomach and specifically in monkeys. Now I am not looking for excuses, but if its true then maybe I have to take a look at my life and get rid of any stress.

(I'm looking at you Fred.)

Click Here to go to this study in Times Magazine.

- MoJo

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Donkey Kong Shelves

Donkey Kong Shelves were made to look like the video game Donkey Kong. Jeeves tells me that Donkey Kong (an Ape), is the Villain of the game. He is the pet of a carpenter named Jumpman (aka Mario). The carpenter mistreats the ape, so Donkey Kong escapes and kidnaps Jumpman's girlfriend. The object of the game is to rescue the girl (as Jumpman).

Enough about the game - now check out these Shelves! Pretty cool - they look like the game (complete with a Ape on top!)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Monkey Theft!

Eight rare species of Brazilian monkeys were stolen from a century-old Alipore Zoo in West Bengal, India last Sunday.

Two guards that were in charge of guarding the cages, where the monkeys were kept, were arrested and the zoo director was suspended.

A new zoo director will be named shortly said Forest Minister Ananta Roy.

We will keep you posted if we find out anything more about this crime or the whereabouts of the monkeys.

(But maybe the humans didn't do anything wrong? Maybe they didn't do anything and the monkeys escaped! Or perhaps the guards helped them escape. Just some thoughts from one monkey. )


For more on this story: and

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thumbs UP! - L.A. Times

(Picture via L.A. Times)

I have to give Thumbs UP! this week to the L.A. Times! The Los Angeles Times posted some pictures of a baby squirrel monkey getting a ride on the back of its mother. I thought is was great that the L.A. Times shared with the world just a couple of pictures of these monkeys and a little bit of information.

But it turns out that the L.A Times has many stories about Apes and Monkeys in it's L.A. Unleashed section! And that's great!

Be sure to check them out!

For more pictures and the story about the squirrel monkeys - Click Here

And to see the Monkeys and Apes Section of the L.A. Unleashed Section of the Los Angeles Times - Click Here

Good job L.A.! (We Love It!)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monkey Impresions

(Picture via CNN)

A new study was released yesterday that shows capuchin monkeys prefer humans who try to imitate them! With all these scientists studying monkeys, I wish someone would pay me - I would let them ask me questions!

Its like improv night in the jungle - if I see two humans on stage, the one doing the monkey impressions will be funnier! Unless they make an off color joke. Then I would have to show them my sweet monkey wrestling moves!

For More Click Here

(Oddly enough FRED brought this to my attention- I'm not sure what he is up to, but I will have to keep an eye on him)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Orangutans Vs. Chimps!

Well I don't like to see fans of Orangutans and Chimps go at it, but it seems Humans are fighting about which primate (Orangutans or Chimps) did they evolve from.

Traditionally scientist believe that humans evolved from chimps - but a recent study says that maybe its Orangutans. This challenges a long time belief - but some scientists applaud the study because it challenges accepted ideas and gets people to think about things in a different light.

For more:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thumbs UP! Primate Veterinarians Promote Animal Welfare

We all know the battle going on regarding animal research (specifically those on primates) and their rights!

So after some reports that some primates at the New Iberia Research Center in Louisiana had been mistreated, Veterinarians have now brought to light that this needs to be fixed! We all know this should never have happened but each time these injustices have been uncovered its good to see that some actions are being taken.

For more - Click Here

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chimp News

Yes more Chimp news for you - just a couple of quick links.

First of all a Chimp's memoir is among contenders for Booker Prize. "Me Cheeta" is one of 13 novels on the Booker Prize long-list. Originally published anonymously, James Lever's book claims to tell the life story of the chimp who gained 1930s Hollywood stardom in "Tarzan" movies.

For more:

And a new Chimp study (yes another one) - Scientists have often wondered why the human language is so different from the chimp language. New research has analyzed some chimp brains and found out that something in evolution might have changed some things. They are not completely certain yet, but this is the first step in figuring out the reason for the exact difference in languages (since chimps and humans are so closely related).

For more:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Thumbs UP! - Another Monkey Blog!

After reading those ridiculous stories that humans have written about non-human primates, I found this Blog called "Monkey Poetics: The Worst Poetry Found on the Web" It's a little bit more edgy than mine, but it is written by a monkey as well!

Basically he has been insulted by humans who support the Infinite Monkey Theorem, that basically means that "a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a particular chosen text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare."

In his words: " Well I for one have taken offense that it would take us an infinite amount of time to accomplish this task. We have written great works randomly already, without the necessity of infinity. And what makes you homo sapien sapiens think you are so great? That is what this blog is all about. To show the world that homo sapien sapiens aren’t all they think they are."

I agree with him that we have already written great works!

I think its a great idea for a blog and encourage you guys to check it out at :


Thursday, August 13, 2009

More enlightening news about Primates - from Humans

You guys never seem to amaze me. Sometimes you come out with such obvious news about primates, and call it news. Sometimes I think its just a slow newsday and since many people don't seem to know much about non-human primates they think it is news.

Well if you would like some obvious news about primates here is another story for you on how chimps (like humans) pay attention to faces - even more than bananas. - From Science Daily - Chimps, Like Humans, Focus On Faces

And here is another story where they asked one chimp (Sakura) if she preferred easy listening music (like the Carpenters) to heavy metal music (like Metallica) - and she did. So now you guys think all chimps (and possibly other primates) think the same way.

I suggest that just because one chimp prefers one kind of music to the other, it doesn't mean they all do. Do you all like "I gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas because its number 1 on the Billboard Music Charts? Or should I just ask some people on the streets what they prefer and assume you all prefer whoever they tell me?

If you want to know more - Click Here

Also is it just me or has there been a lot of stories lately about Chimps?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


A company called "Ed and Annette's Monkeys and More" of Chicago, Illinois has a baby chimp that puts on crowd-pleasing shows - named Lisa Marie Presley.

Unfortunately we have learned that when Lisa is not performing she is kept in a small cage under horrible conditions.

Both the organization known as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and now the original human named Lisa Marie Presley (the human that the chimp was named after) are both demanding that she be released to a sanctuary so she can be properly cared for.

An anonymous whistle-blower brought it to PETA's attention that when being brought to these parties Lisa is being transported in a Rubbermaid Bin. Ed and Annette purchased Lisa from a primate breeder in Missouri, and under these conditions we fear that Lisa will grow weak and perhaps go to a roadside zoo to die. Maybe Lisa will even grow angry with her living conditions and get violent like Travis. I hope it doesn't come to that, but how I could blame Lisa?

We are not sure what we can to help, except to join in this outrage. My question is if Lisa is in this horrible situation, what other animals are being mistreated at "Ed and Annette's Monkeys and More"?

Click Here for Lisa's (the human) letter to Ed and Annette

For more - the story on The Post Chronical and the story on PETA's website

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Animal Warriors!

(Click Picture to make it bigger)

Hi Everybody - It's me MoJo, and this is Janice. It may be hard for you to see her, so please click on the picture to make it bigger. Janice is a ladybug that flew into my house and didn't leave, so we became friends. I have decided to train her to become an animal (or I guess insect) warrior! I think her size and camouflage will help her out and she could be one world class spy!
What do you guys think?

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Political Attack - From Above

(Video from YouTube)

Yet another story of monkeys not really doing the right thing. I know nothing of Zambian president Rupiah Banda, but during one of his recent press conference, a monkey urinated on him from an above tree. We don't know whether or not the monkey was invited, but nonetheless - this is no way to treat a political official.

I know what its like to oppose a political official (I did run for President), but if we are to be respected as primates and treated as equals this is no way to act. I understand why this monkey did it, but I would hope we could find a more constructive means of sharing our political points of view.

For More: Click Here

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Police seek "monkey" and "human" for questioning

View more news videos at:

I can't believe this. There is a monkey wanted for questioning in several plant thefts from the store Plants and Planters in Richardson, Texas. I can't believe it! They noticed plants have been stolen and when reviewing security cameras they saw a 2 foot-tall monkey breaking-in, and then handing the plants and other valuables over the fence to a human accomplice.

Both are wanted for questioning by Richardson Police.

(Listen monkey if you are reading this - a life of crime is not the answer - turn yourself in so you can start your law abiding life now!).

Plants & Planters has been serving the Richardson and surrounding areas since 1978, and seems like a fine establishment. I have contacted them to let them know that not all monkeys are bad!

If you are looking Indoor & Outdoor Plants, Garden Plants, Gifts for Friends and Family, or Beautiful Christmas Trees for the Holidays in the Richardson, Texas area- stop by Plants and Planters!

Plants & Planters
1050 North Greenville Avenue
Richardson, TX 75081

Web Address:


- MoJo

Saturday, August 8, 2009

MoJo Voyage Post- New Orleans!

Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to let you all know about the new posting on my Travel Blog: MoJo Voyage!

This one is about my trip to New Orleans!

Check it Out:

Sad News

2 Stories have recently come out about how the primate version of the virus that causes AIDS.

Basically all primates can die of AIDS; Human-Primates (you guys) first get infected with HIV, and nonhuman primates (like me) get infected with SIV. Scientists thought only Asian macaques (a monkey) could develop AIDS after being infected with SIV, but years of research has determined that is not the case.

First, scientists thought the virus was not harmful to their hosts (African chimpanzees), but a long-term study of a wild population found some chimps that were naturally infected with SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus), die early and their babies die within a year of birth.

For More: Click Here

Related to this story is a story that changes the way we think this deadly virus can travel.

Recently a strain of SIV normally found in gorillas was found in a woman. This is the first time that a strain known to be found in gorillas was found in a human.

Unfortunately this demonstrates that this horrible virus is evolving, but Doctors have said this does not pose any new problems.

For more on this story Click Here

For more information on AIDS - Click Here

We here at Piece of MoJo don't like to share sad news, but thought it has to be reported so that the people know whats going on. Because at the end of the day what happens to one of us could very well effect the other.

- MoJo

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dancin' Fail

I need a break - We all know how much I like Dancin' and I know how much you guys like Dancin' too - so hear is a Dancin' video from FailBlog.

I sure hope he is okay - Next time don't use so much fog!

List of Primates in Danger

There was a report made a while ago (in 2007) about a listing of primates that was compiled by research done by 60 scientists in 21 countries.

But I guess since we are getting closer to the end of the report the San Francisco Chronicle has reported on it: Here

The report lists 25 of the most endangered primates due to hunters (that kill them for food), farmers and loggers that destroy their habitat, as well as human wars that put them in danger.

114 of the worlds 394 (29%) are threatened with extinction. Remember that you humans are a primate too - so do everything you can to protect your relatives!

I don't have exact instructions for you now - but if here at we always try to bring you the latest primate news and ways you can help - so stay tuned!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thumbs Up! - In the News: Whiplash (again)

The Rodeo Monkey known as Whiplash is in the news again! And so we give him another Thumbs Up!(Photo by Dan Callister by way of Daily Mail)

Apparently this collie riding monkey has become very successful recently with a following on Facebook (though I can't find him), a regular at the Rodeo in Big Spring Texas (this year he was the star), as well as a starring role in an ad for a Taco Restaurant making him and Internet sensation on the YouTube!

Some critics wonder if we would be happy back in his native Rain Forests of Central or South America, but his owner Tommy Lucia says he is happy and enjoys being a star. (Tommy rescued him when he was a baby from a cage in Florida almost 21 years ago).

After most shows he loves to have a big dinner with his favorite foods being apples, pears, bananas (of course) - but especially strawberries!

You can find....

more - Here

..Whiplash's Website (where you can get tour information, and contact him!) - Here

.. and his YouTube Videos -Here

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting things right!

In yet another example of how you humans learn from us monkeys. Results from a new experiment from MIT challenges the old saying that people learn from their mistakes. This was published in the July 30th issue of Neuron.

In the experiments scientists looked at monkeys brains while they tested them, and it showed that their brain actually changed when they got something right and nothing changed when they got things wrong.

So "only after successes, not failures, did brain processing and the monkeys' behavior improve."

For more Click Here

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Malaria may have come from chimps!

Scientists have found evidence of a parasite that causes most cases of malaria is a close genetic relative of a parasite found in chimpanzees. A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, say that human version of Malaria is closely related to a parasite found in chimps.

Understanding how this chimp parasite became adapted to humans could help researchers trying to make a vaccine against malaria - which has been difficult.

This is not unlike AIDS - which is believed to have traveled from Chimps as well, as well as other diseases that originated from animals.

For more Click Here

Medicated Body Scratcher...

...Brought to you by Monkeys!

Specifically Spider Monkeys! In order to "one-up" the chimps these spider monkeys have made a body scratcher that may release medicinal compounds. This was released by the scientific journal Primates.

For more Click Here

(Back in March it was discovered that some chimps were using a "new tool" to scoop up termites - I'm not sure if its a new tool -more like a different use. I thought I told everyone about it, but now I can't find it - so here it is again- "Chimps Invent Brush Tool")

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monkey Win!

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

I don't know what that person did (though she doesn't look too angry) to upset these baboons - but man did they take over! Guys I don't know the story but this isn't helpful - very funny, but not helpful.

*Seriously this was used as an example at the Knowsley Safari Park in Liverpool, England to show the staff why some visitors should not go through the Baboon section if they have a roof box. For more: Click Here

Thursday, July 30, 2009

MoJo Voyage - A Travel Blog!

Hi Everybody! I wanted to announce my new blog - MoJo Voyage - A Travel Blog! I have been on so many adventures that I thought I would start to share my pictures with everyone. So I expect a lot of posts in the beginning as I catch up with all my photos! If you follow this blog, don't worry I will let you know when I post something there!

Thanks for checking it out!


P.S If you forget the address - the link is my link Section ; )

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thumbs UP! - Space Monkeys!

This is a story I wanted to tell everyone about for a long time, but I honestly never got around to doing it. However there has been a lot of news lately about the Apollo Missions in which a human landed on the moon and returned safely back to earth, and it made me think of those incredibly brave space monkeys who were some of the first animals in space - because you humans were just too scared! The picture above is of Baker, a squirrel monkey, who was also a Space Monkey!

Able and Baker were the first living creatures from the US to go into space and experience weightlessness and come back to earth safely. Two years before humans finally got the courage!

10 years had passed where lots of other monkeys tried being astronauts but died for various reasons. Sadly even Able died a few days later due the effects of anesthesia after surgery.

But Baker lived on for another 25 years as an active member in the monkey space community and mostly spent her time at the U.S Space and Rocket Center in Alabama trying to educate humans on how to handle the final frontier!

She was very popular and received almost 150 letters a day up until her death in 1984 of Kidney failure.

We will not forget you Baker - you were one courageous monkey!

For more Click Here!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Peel a Banana Like a Monkey? From a Human?

Really?? I don't know what to say about this:

LEarn to peel a banana like a monkey from a human?!? I guess I will have to show you guys how to really do it!

I wanted you all to hear about it from me, as the video seems to be making the rounds on the internets.

The problem here really is that the video simply demonstrates one of the many ways to peel a banana - calling it the "monkey style". Not really how we do it. I'm not to sure you should be using the internet if you have to look up "how to peel a banana".

Until I get my video up stick to your wiki's:, your banana phones:, and your banana suits:

- MoJo

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stay Young with the Monkey Diet!

(Picture via NY Times)

Hi Everybody - Say hello to Canto (left, age 27) and Owen (right, age 29). Scientists at the University of Wisconsin have been studying these two Rhesus monkeys to see if diet controls the aging process.

For 20 years Canto has been on a restricted diet and Owen has been free to eat whatever he wants! They believe that by limiting Canto's calories to 1/3rd of Owen's that they have proven a link between aging and diet.

So if you eat better you will look younger (though Owen looks a bit happier if you ask me).

People are now wondering if this kind of diet control would work on humans - because everyone wants to stay young! - Click Here

More from the NY Times - Click Here

This all sounds pretty good. I wish they would pay me to see what the aging effects are on a monkey (or person) who lives in Disneyland!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Above is a drawing of a new species of Monkey that has recently been discovered in Brazil! It was originally spotted in 2007 in the Brazilian state of Amazonas and is related to the saddleback tamarin monkeys, known for their distinctively marked backs.

"The small monkey, which is mostly gray and brown and weighs 213 grams (0.47 pound), has been named the Mura's saddleback tamarin after the Mura Indian tribe of the Purus and Madeira river basins where the new sub-species was found. It is 240 millimeters (9.4 inches) tall with a 320 millimeter (12.6 inch) tail."

Well welcome Mura's Saddleback Tamarin (I think I'll just call you MST for short) to the monkey family!

For more Click Here!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Hi Everybody - Just a quick note to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!

Hope its a great day! Now I have to get back to my grillin' before I burn my wieners!


- MoJo

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bubbles (and Michael Jackson)

I really can't go far on the TV or the Internets without seeing something about this Michael Jackson guy. I didn't really know much about him until he died, but it turns out I did know his music! And it was pretty good - fun and upbeat - and crazy dance moves! I only discovered the dance moves after searching on the YouTube.

One thing I found out is that he was a friend to monkeys and chimps! He actually had one chimp (named Bubbles) that he took care of. So it is sad that we lost a friend to the primate community with Mr. Jackson's death. But I'm pleased to report that Bubbles is doing well and is living in Florida in the Center for Great Apes! That sounds pretty awesome to me!

"The Center for Great Apes’ mission is to provide a permanent sanctuary for orangutans and chimpanzees who have been retired from the entertainment industry, from research, or who are no longer wanted as pets. The Center provides care with dignity in a safe, healthy, and enriching environment for great apes in need of lifetime care."

Bubbles is currently the "Featured Resident", and you can currently support him and other chimps and orangutans directly on the website:

Bubbles wasn't the only primate that Mr. Jackson took care of and was friends with, though he was the most famous (one artists even made statues of him). Though I think that I can do the Moonwalk better than him!

For more information on this story:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monkey Marketing!

On July 1st 1979 (30 years ago) people could finally take their music with them in a small-portable fashion with a Sony Walkman!

It was a portable music player like today's popular iPod! Except it played cassettes. Everyone can trust a monkey. That's why Sony hired a monkey to help advertise its cool Sony Walkman.

Another Version:

The monkey featured in this video is named Mr.Choromatsu, who was an monkey-actor and died in 2007. He looked so relaxed - I wonder what music he was listening to?

For more info on the Walkman Click Here

Saturday, June 20, 2009

UPDATE: Travis Shooting -- oh no!!

Hi, everybody. I've been working on an update about my recent travels, but I wanted to make a post today because there's been an update in the news about the Travis situation. You probably remember that back in February, a 200-lb chimpanzee named Travis attacked a woman and some policemen after being fed tea and Xanax by his owner. This horrible incident led to Monkeygate -- a large scale movement by lawmakers and media people to control and restrict the rights and travel of all non-human primates -- including monkeys, like me. This was an outrage!! Some politcians and countries wound up on my watch list because of their support of the restriction of our precious monkey rights. Thanks to today's follow-up story on Travis, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection is also on my watch list!!! It seems that they were warned years in advance of the Travis attack that Travis was a potentially DANGEROUS non-human primate. Don't get me wrong, readers -- there are bad monkeys out there the same as there are bad people out there, but you can't let a bad apple like Travis take away rights for all of us. If anything, it's situations like these that highlight the importance of monkey rights. 200-lb chimps shouldn't be kept as pets!! Moreover, if a government agency like the DEP receives SEVERAL WARNINGS of the potential risk posed by such a chimp, don't you think they are at least a little responsible for failing to investigate the situation? If the DEP had knocked on Sandra Herold's door back in 2003 when the warning letters first arrived, maybe this never would have happened!!! I'm not blaming it all on the DEP -- I'm just saying there's a lot more that can be done to ensure the health and safety of both the human and non-human primate population, and taking away all monkey rights is NOT THE ANSWER!!! I'm hoping we can all work together to figure it out.

In the meantime, we here at would like to extend our well wishes to the family of Charla Nash, the victim of Travis' February attack. I want you to know that not all monkeys are BAD PRIMATES, and our thoughts are with you while you recover from this atrocity.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thumbs UP! - Most Emailed - Gorilla!

Just something I noticed on the Yahoo! the other day. The most emailed photo was this one of a 6-month old gorilla foraging for food at the zoo. Anything that get us non-human primates some press is a good thing!

Keep up the great work!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Animal Warriors!

The Surfing Bulldog!

(Picture care of Purina)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Animal Warriors?!?

(Picture via National Geographic)

Another questionable entry - The Sneaky Elephant?!?