Monday, May 17, 2010

Animals that could really Talk!

(Dr. Roger Fouts tries to teach American Sign Language to a chimp named Lucy in 1972.

Nina Leen/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

This story talks about different animals that you humans say "could really talk". They talk about 4 different animals from over 30 years ago so the news a bit old I think. But one of the stories is about Lucy the chimp. Its a sad story but don't worry - she was not a monkey, and Animal communications have come a long way. Just look at me and my blog! But the story of Lucy is not the first and its not the last about humans trying to teach chimps some human form of language.

Besides Lucy the Chimp there is Alex the Parrot, Blackie the Cat, and Hoover the Seal in the story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some animals are still making videos. when will there be a new MoJo video?