Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Animal Warriors! - Armor

Sometimes its not enough to be an Animal Warrior - sometimes you need some Armor. The Oobject gallery illustrates, suits of armor have been made for the likes of cats, mice and squirrels.

For more pictures go their website: Click Here!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Primetime Primates Evacuated

(I'm ready for my close up)

A week ago 2 movie star monkeys were evacuated from the Liberty Hotel in Boston, MA due to a small boiler a leak (that was fixed later in the day). All guests were evacuated from the hotel including 2 movie star monkeys.

The monkeys are starring in a movie called "The Zookeeper" that should be coming out sometime in 2010, but we don't know who they are! Sometimes the casting of these movies are so secret, but for those of you in Boston they are filing the movie there, so you can come by - and let me know if any of you guys hear or see anything about these monkey stars - I would love to interview them.

Liberty spokesman Jim Treadway said the hotel has hosted the movie's non-animal stars as well, but none were there Wednesday. He declined to drop names (including the names of the monkeys!).

There is not much information on the movie since its not coming out for another year or so - but for more information you can click here:

And for more information on this story go here:

The Liberty Hotel used to be a Jail in Boston, and it was converted to a Hotel! Pretty neat - if you would like to stay there here is the website:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

'Gene cure' for color blindness

US Scientists at the University of Washington have found a cure for color blindness in Squirrel Monkeys!

They used gene therapy where they introduced therapeutic genes into the light-sensing cells at the back of eyes in adult Squirrel Monkeys. The monkeys were treated over two years and their restored vision has remained the same.

The scientists hope they will be able to cure humans as well in a similar fashion, but they need more tests first!

Good Job guys!

Now that you can see some colors, try the famous Magic Eye Books - though I never see the sailboat : (

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Help the Orangutans!

My entry on Baby Menari brought some attention from the Orangutans. They say that Baby Menari is an ambassador for her orangutan cousins in the wild!

Their message: "Orangutans are critically endangered because of rapid deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations.

If nothing is done to protect these majestic creatures, they could be extinct in just a few years.

Visit the Orangutan Outreach website to learn how YOU can make a difference! - Reach out and save the orangutans!"

Thanks so much redapes for bringing this to my attention! I encourage everyone to do all you can (especially if you have some spare monies) to help out the Orangutans! (we non-human primates have to stick together).

Thank you

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fall into the GAP

No not that GAP - but the Great Ape Protection project!

GAP's purpose is to guarantee the basic rights to life, freedom and non-torture of the non-human great apes – Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangutans and Bonobos, the closest relatives in the animal kingdom to humans.

We have covered lots of stories here at Piece of MoJo in which non-human primates have been abused by humans, and its good to see an organization such as GAP is out there fighting for the rights of non-human primates, and at the same time protecting them.

Rights to live along with freedom is very important to me - and my fellow monkeys; just as I'm sure its important to you! Some stories have come out in the past year that would hurt non-human primates rights- so you can see why an organization like this is so important.

If you would like more information on GAP - check out their website:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Most Emailed Photo - Menari the Orangutan

(Picture from AP via Yahoo!)

Hi Everybody- Happy Friday!

This picture of a female Orangutan named Menari was the "Most Emailed Photo" on Yahoo! today. She was born on July 10th at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. The zoo announced her birth Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009 (I'm not sure why they kept it a secret) and they also said that starting Sept. 26, she will be out daily from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to meet and greet everyone— weather permitting.

Welcome Menari!

For more on the Audubon Zoo Click Here

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Speeder Wears Monkey Mask!

(Picture via ABC 15)

Hi Everybody!

There is a masked man in Phoenix (I KNOW!), Arizona who is pretending to be a monkey by wearing a mask, while he is driving. He is breaking the law there by going over the speed limit. But he wears a monkey mask so he can try to pin his crimes on an innocent monkey.

Nice try Mister, but that mask didn't fool me!

Cameras in Phoenix take pictures of the cars and drivers that violate the law. So he has been trying to disguise himself as a monkey so that he could not be identified. The man has done this over 3 dozen times collecting about 37 tickets and totaling over $6,700.00 in fines.

Sometimes he disguises himself as a giraffe, gazelle -not always a monkey (though its the most common disguise that he uses).

Some people agree with his tactics (of wearing a mask) because they are against the cameras. Others think that he is driving very unsafely.

I am just upset that he is trying to frame an innocent monkey! The police suspect Dave VonTesmar as the culprit, because they have spotted him putting on masks at homes - but he denies the allegation (and talks about it on his Facebook).

For more on this Story you can go here:

And here:


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yahoo Answers: What's easier, training a guy to act like a gentleman or training a monkey?

Click on the Image above to make it bigger.

I just think this is a silly question in my monkey opinion - but if you guys know the answer you can answer it by going here:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thumbs UP! - ZooTV

(Live video streams from the Great Plains Zoo to Sanford Children's Hospital (Squirrel Monkeys!). Fun animal facts scroll across the screen. - Picture via USA TODAY )

Hi Everybody, its me - MoJo

I wanted to give a big Thumbs UP! to the Great Plains Zoo in South Dakota! Why? Because the Great Plains Zoo started ZooTV! ZooTV was started in March, using 14 weatherproof cameras to video tape live animals at the zoo and then beam the live feed to sick children at hospitals - whether its during hospital stays (giving them something to do and break up their stay/day) or to comfort them while going through medical procedures.

"ZooTV is one of a growing number of partnerships between hospitals and zoos to help comfort children who are, in many cases, waging life-and-death battles against cancer and other serious illnesses.

Video of tigers, monkeys, giraffes and some underwater creatures are being beamed into patient rooms in cities including Sioux Falls, Palo Alto, Calif., and Rochester, Minn."

This has inspired other Zoo's like the Houston Zoo in Houston, Texas who hopes to share their animals by adding cameras in their future expansion plans. At the same time hospitals are lining up to add ZooTV to their buildings as well.

There hasn't been any studies done yet - but it might be true that video of monkeys is especially cheerful to the children and may actually decrease their recovery time; we will have to wait and see. I mean look at the picture above - they chose to show the feed of some Squirrel Monkeys - they know a monkey a day keeps the doctor away.

For more on this Story:

And the Great Plains Zoo:

Keep Smiling

- MoJo

Saturday, September 5, 2009

MoJo Voyage Post- Universal Studios

Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to let you all know about the new posting on my Travel Blog: MoJo Voyage!

This one is about my trip to Universal Studios!

Check it Out:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Follow-Up: MoJo Phoenix in Space

Well it turns out that I was right!

NASA decided not to name the International Space Station after him. But they didn't name the toilet after him either.

They named a treadmill after him. I guess the people at NASA just couldn't do it.

"Colbert—or C.O.L.B.E.R.T.—the Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill. That's the new name for this piece of hardware, known during its development as T2, the second version of the ISS treadmill"

The space shuttle carrying the treadmill launched last week and it was installed shortly after.

For more go to the following: Mission Complete! and C.O.L.B.E.R.T

I'm still waiting to see what they name after me!
