Saturday, May 3, 2008


(The TOP SECRET Plans for some sort of Super PIG!!)
Many thanks again to secret agent Peanut for this information!

Once again through my contacts with some super secret spies I have found another one of Fred's evil plans. At first I was startled but then I soon realized this is just an eraser with push pins, and some drawings on it.

So it seems the mechanical Shark (with metal teeth) is ready and a part of Fred's next plan to destroy me, but this design is on the drawing table. It looks like some sort of mechanical pig (I assume with metal teeth) and it has flame throwing hair. If you see any other warning signs from this picture let me know.

Me and my team will be hard at work during the next couple of days. I may have to recruit some others, including a private eye known only as "Big Dog". We have to get to Fred before he build this evil device and rubs me OUT!!

- The Phoenix

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