Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fred's First Move!

(The TOP SECRET picture of Fred's newest Evil Device)
Many thanks to Secret Agent Special K - aka... Peanut- for this information

Through my contacts with some super secret spies I have found Fred's newest plan to defeat me. The above picture is some kind of mechanical shark with metal teeth. I don't know if its ready to be used yet or how powerful it is. I will need all my friends to help me think of counter measures to defeat this creature and his evil creator - FRRRRED!!!!

Luckily another secret spy known only as "elbrent" is coming to see me this weekend. Together we will take down Fred and his mechanical shark (with metal teeth).

- The Phoenix (that's my secret spy name!)


Anonymous said...

liquor store to the phoenix ---

subsequent to your transmission i enlisted the services of this man. he is reportedly an expert in his field.

i'll report back when i know more.


MoJo said...

phoenix to liquor store---

Excellent Work LS!! Yes, I think this man will do nicely - he has the attitude our operation needs.

Fred won't know what hit him.

I wonder if we will need boat?

Keep me Posted!
