Friday, May 2, 2008

It's Coming Together

(This is my Thinking Hat when I need to think like Indy!)

For those of you on MoJo's team - Thank You! The information from secret spies has been great! We will make our strike against Fred soon. But we can always use more Help! If anyone knows how to contact Indiana Jones or Super Monkey - please contact them to let them know about our cause.

I haven't seen Indiana Jones since my trip to California - he may still be there!

As for Super Monkey - I'm not sure where he is.. Though I am sure he saving the world.

So Friends - post here so we can figure out our plaaaaan!

Thanks - MoJo


Anonymous said...

i haven't seen supermonkey lately.

but i did notice you stopped borrowing my glasses.


MoJo said...


What does that have to do with supermonkey??

Anonymous said...

i don't know!! these are just my observations..........


MoJo said...
