Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Human Afterall!!

Last year scientists discovered a skeleton named Ardi that they thought may have been the missing link between humans and non-human primates. Now scientists are thinking that maybe this skeleton is really an early human and not a missing link.

For more go here:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shia LaBeouf Blames Monkeys!

Everyone knows what a Big Fan I am of Indiana Jones and all of his Adventures. His movies his attractions at the Disney Parks and his hats. Well I liked the last Indiana Jones movie and I especially liked the fact that monkeys were in it.

But Shia LaBeouf (who played Indy's son (I think I would have done a better job) says that there were problems with the movie and he blames lots of people and the monkeys! Sir -I see that you also blame people in the Transformers movies as well (a movie I had just seen) but there were no monkeys to blame. So maybe the problem is you Sir and not the monkeys!

Good Day!

I guess I will have to add Shia to my "watch list"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Now I just need a Cape!

Or maybe I don't.. perhaps I could ride around in this cool bike anytime I want, and not just when I am out stopping crime.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Animals that could really Talk!

(Dr. Roger Fouts tries to teach American Sign Language to a chimp named Lucy in 1972.

Nina Leen/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

This story talks about different animals that you humans say "could really talk". They talk about 4 different animals from over 30 years ago so the news a bit old I think. But one of the stories is about Lucy the chimp. Its a sad story but don't worry - she was not a monkey, and Animal communications have come a long way. Just look at me and my blog! But the story of Lucy is not the first and its not the last about humans trying to teach chimps some human form of language.

Besides Lucy the Chimp there is Alex the Parrot, Blackie the Cat, and Hoover the Seal in the story.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Take a Picture of some Mountain Gorillas...

..before you DIE had a story about the top 100 things you should take pictures of before you die! I know it sounds scary. But the number 1 item in the section "Wildlife" was (da dada da!) MOUNTAIN GORILLAS!

Pretty cool! Click here for more

Now we just have to find out why there isn't a website or