Saturday, December 31, 2011

Where is Banana Sam?

Hi Everybody!

I hope the holidays were great for everyone! And I am sincerely sorry for my lack of communication, but I'm trying to get several projects off the ground.

But I came across this story today and I thought you should know about it. It's about a monkey named Banana Sam - he is from San Francisco and he is missing. Now we don't know if he escaped on his own  from his home at the zoo (which I am fine with) or that he was monkey-napped! (which I am not fine with).

He might have a twitter ( but we are not sure if it is really him or perhaps his monkey-nappers trying to make it seem like he is okay.

So Banana Sam if you are okay and on your own - let me know - or else the search will continue!

Happy New Year Everyone!


For more on this story go to :