Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome Lara and Lucy!

Hello Lara and Lucy!

Lara and Lucy (pictured above) are two emperor tamarin monkey twin who were born in early July. The sad news is that their mother died from cancer on July 30th just three weeks after they were born. This made Lara and Lucy orphans - so sad. But the Denver Zoo stepped in and decided they would take them in and take care of them.

I'm sorry Lara and Lucy that your mother died. But there are monkeys out there (like me) that will look after you.

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you! (Denver Zoo - you can let me know too)


(Looking Good!)


Galaxy6139 said...

share with these Lara and Lucy ㅠㅠ Thanks for giving them a shelter...

Anonymous said...

MoJo, these two little girl monkeys are the cutest ever! Excellent reporting.

MoJo said...

Thank you so much for the comments guys!