Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Message from the EGGO PEOPLE!

(Click to Enlarge the Message!)

Check it Out People! It's a message from the EGGO PEOPLE about my Cooking with MoJo segment with (EGGO) Waffles and Ice Cream! -

- MoJo


Anonymous said...

That's great, Mojo. You deserve the kudos.

I didn't realize your last name is Phoenix. Are you a Scorpio?

are you also going to email the Turkey Hill Ice Cream people?

MoJo said...

I'm not a Scorpio I'm a Monkey silly!

Well Phoenix is just one of my alias so its not really my last name.

And I have emailed the Eddys people but they haven't said a word yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you, Mojo, I enlarged the Eggo letter and read it AGAIN.

THEN I watched the video AGAIN.

MoJo said...

THANKS! It looks like everybody loves Cooking with MoJo - or maybe it's just the EGGOS!

My video has been seen by a lot of people in a short time!