I'm sorry it's been so long with updates - but it's been busy for me and I have been helping out a lot of people (a Helper Monkey's Job is never done!). Plus I was out traveling about too. I went to "The Good Land" for a bit, that was nice, and then to Kansas City to meet up with some of my Friends!
But meanwhile during all this craziness there were 2 important monkey stories, both in the exciting field of MONKEY SCIENCE!!! Monkey science is (along with recruiting, information technology, lobbying for monkey rights and fighting crime) one of my specialties, so I want to keep using my blog to bring you the latest in these groundbreaking monkey discoveries and developments.
First one: Scientists have recently discovered that Chimps - as well as other non-human primates don't get Alzheimer like humans do. So they are trying to figure out why that is. Maybe it's because our diets, agility, wrestling ability, cool dance moves or perhaps something else.
For more Click Here
Second story: GREEN GLOWING MONKEYS! HAVE GREEN GLOWING BABIES! Weird I know. I don't know how I feel about these "monkeperiments" but it sounds like they are trying to create X-Monkeys - maybe there will be a wolverine monkey??
They claim they are using this process to learn more about infectious diseases and how to cure them - like Parkinson's and ALS.
For more Click Here
If you happen to see any other news items in Monkey Science, make sure you drop me a line so we can investigate and report!